
English Grammar: Nouns That Have Irregular Plural Forms (#irregularnouns)(#EnglishGrammar)(#compete4exams)(#eduvictors)

English Grammar: Nouns That Have Irregular Plural Forms

English Grammar: Nouns That Have Irregular Plural Forms (#irregularnouns)(#EnglishGrammar)(#compete4exams)(#eduvictors)

Irregular plural nouns are nouns that do not become plural by adding -s or -es. There are 100+ irregular nouns.  One reason for irregular nouns is that many of them have been borrowed from other languages. A few are listed below:

Noun Type Forming the plural Example
Ends with –f(e) Change f to v then add –s or -es knife → knives, half halves
life → lives, wolf → wolves,
loaf → loaves, wife → wives
Ends with -o Add -es Potato → potatoes,
tomato → tomatoes,
volcano → volcanoes
ends with -us Change -us to -i cactus → cacti,
nucleus → nuclei,
focus → foci
ends with -um Change -um to -a bacterium → bacteria,
curriculum → curricula,
datum → data,
medium → media,
memorandum → memoranda
ends with -on Change -on to -a phenomenon → phenomena,
criterion → criteria
ends with -is Change -is to -es analysis → analyses,
crisis → crises,
thesis → theses
ALL KINDS Change the vowel or
Change the word or
Add a different ending
man → men,
child → children,
woman → women,
ox → oxen,
foot → feet,
person → people,
tooth → teeth,
mouse → mice,
goose → geese,
louse → lice
Unchanging Singular and plural
are the same
sheep → sheep
deer → deer
fish → fish, fishes
bison → bison

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