
General Awareness - First in the World (#staticgk)(#compete4exams)(#eduvictors)

First in the World

General Awareness - First in the World (#staticgk)(#compete4exams)(#eduvictors)

First Space Tourist (Female) - Anousheh Ansari (2004)

First Space Tourist (Male) — Dennis Tito of USA (2001)

First Space Vehicle to land on the Moon — Lunar Exploration Module (LEM)

Man to walk in space — Alexei Leonov, 1965

First country to send man to the moon — USA

First country to launch Artificial satellite into space — Russia

First person to land on the moon — Neil Armstrong followed by Edwin E. Aldrin

First shuttle to go in space — Columbia

First spacecraft to reach on Mars — Viking–1

First woman cosmonaut of the world — Valentina Tereshkova (Russia)

Man to swim across the English Channel — Matthew Webb 1875

First Movie in the world — The Jazz singer 1927

First University of the World — Taxila University

Man to sail around the world alone — Joshua Slocum

Man to win Nobel Prize in Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Economics — JH Wenthoh, AE Wonn Behring, Ranger Fish and John Tinbergen.

Man to win Nobel Prize in Literature — Rene FA and Silt Pradhom

Man to win Nobel Prize in for peace — Jin F Dunant and Frederic Pierre

First man to compile Encyclopedia — Aspheosis

First to draw the map of Earth — Anaximander

First person to reach Mount Everest — Sherpa Tenzing Norgay, Edmund Hillary

First woman to climb Mount Everest — Mrs. Junko Tabei (Japan)

First man to have climbed Mount Everest twice — Nawang Gombu

First Blind person to conquer the Everest — Erik Weihenmayer USA, 2001

First person to reach North Pole — Robert Peary

First person to reach South Pole — Amundsen

First country to print book — China

First country to issue paper currency — China

First country to commence competitive exam — China

First country to win Football World Cup — Uruguay

First country to prepare a constitution — USA

First person to sail around the world — Magellan

First country to host the modern Olympics — Greece

First president of the USA — George Washington

First prime minister of Britain — Robert Walpole

First Governor General of the United Nations — Trigveli (Norway)

First prime minister of Britain — Robert Walpole

First Governor General of the United Nations — Trigveli (Norway)

First country to win Football World Cup — Uruguay

First country to prepare a constitution — USA

First European to attack India — Alexander, The Great

First European to reach China — Marco Polo

First person to fly aeroplane — Wright Brothers

First city on which the atom bomb war dropped — Hiroshima (Japan)

First woman Prime Minister of England — Margaret Thatcher

First woman PM of a country — Mrs S. Bandaranaike (Srilanka)

First Muslim PM of a country — Benazir Bhutto (Pak)

First woman president of the U.N. General Assembly — Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit

First man to fly into space — Yuri Gagarin (Russia)

First batsman to score the three test century in three successive test on debut — Azharuddin

first US president to resign presidency — Richard Nixon

First Country to host NAM Summit — Belgrade (Yugoslavia)

First Asian city to host Olympics — Tokyo, Japan, 1964

First Athlete disqualified at the Olympics for drug use — Hans - Gunnar Liljenwall, Mexico Olympics, 1968

First country to make education compulsory — Prussia

First country to launch Radio Telescope satellite into space — Japan

First Country to give voting right to woman — New Zealand

First Country to impose carbon tax — New Zealand

👉See Also:

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