Mental Ability Test (MAT) - Water Images or Mirror Images #visualintelligence #metalability #upsc #ntse
Mental Ability Test (MAT) - Water Images or Mirror Images
In reasoning, often questions based on mirror images are being asked. A mirror reflection or mirror image is the image of an object as seen in a mirror. The right side of the object appears on the left side of the image, and vice versa. As a result, a mirror image is said to be laterally inverted, and the phenomenon is known as lateral inversion.
A mirror image is also called a Vertical Plane image, by default, a mirror is placed vertically. Water image considers mirror is placed horizontally.
➀ There are ‘11’ letters in English Alphabet that have identical mirror images as A, H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, X, Y
➁ Following is the list of mirror images of capital letters.
➂ Following is the list of mirror images of lower case letters.➃ Water image is just a reflection where the top and bottom parts of the images changed where the left and right sides of the image remain the same.
Q1: Choose the correct horizontal mirror image/water image from alternatives of the word 'VERBAL'.
Answer: Option d.Q2: Choose the correct mirror image of the word 'GLOBE'.
Answer: Option a.Q3. Choose the correct vertical plane image of the word 'monday'.
Answer: Option c.
👉See Also:
1. Analogy: Related word, Related alphabet, Related number)
2. Classification: Unclassified word, Unclassified alphabet, Related number
3. Series Completion: Number series, Alphabetic series, Alpha-Numeric series, Miscellaneous series
4. Coding-decoding
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