
General Science Quiz - 2 (#generalscience)(#compete4exams)(#eduvictors)(#sciencequiz)

General Science Quiz - 2 

General Science Quiz - 2 (#generalscience)(#compete4exams)(#eduvictors)(#sciencequiz)

1. The ratio of the mass of hydrogen to the mass of oxygen in water is always _______.

2. The force of gravity acting on an object is also known as ______.

3. How many water molecules are present in one molecule of washing soda?

4. The flexibility in plants in due to _________ tissues.

5. The fertilised egg, the zygote, gets implanted in the _________ in human female.

6. Generally, the valency of electropositive elements is __________.

7. A type of reproduction in which a non-reproductive part of a plant body develops into a new individual is called _______

8. In which physical medium, does the sound travel the fastest?

9. In general what type of elements exist in solid, liquid and gaseous forms.

10. The hormone produced in plants due to which the stem bends towards sunlight is _______

11. How many moles of Sulphuric acid are present in 25 gms?

12. Which perioidc group contain non-reactive/noble gases?

13. The force that a neutron exerts on a proton inside an atom is ________.

14. Sodium hydroxide reacts with _______ to form a solution of table salt.

15. The angle between displacement and force applied when no work is done is ____.

16. In plants, the cells of ________ tissue  are loosely packed so that large intercellular spaces are found. 

17. Waves produced at the bottom of the sea due to an explosion are _______.

18. The suffix attached to a hydrocarbon chain ending with a ketone is ________.

19. In mammals, the male germ cells are produced in the ________.

20. The element with atomic number 57 belongs to ________.


1. Ratio is 1 : 8 

2. weight

3. 10 ( Na₂CO₃.10H₂O)

4. Collenchyma

5. uterus

6. 1, 3 or 3

7. vegetative propagation

8. Solids

9. non-metals

10. Auxins.

11. 0.255 

       Molecular mass of H₂SO₄ = 2×1u + 1 × 32u + 4 × 16u = 98u

       Molar mass = 98g

       25g will have = 25/98 = 0.255 moles

12.  Group 18

13.  Nuclear force

14. Hydrochloric acid (HCl)

15. 90º

16. Parenchyma

17. shock longitudinal waves. Explosion generates longitudinal waves of high intensity.

18. -anone or -one 

      e.g. propane will become propanone.

19. testes. 

20. D-block

👉See Also:

1. Science Notes: Physics - Fundamental Units and Derived Units

5. List of Occupational Diseases 

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