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Top Measuring Instruments Every Student Should Know for Competitive Exams #eduvictors

Top Measuring Instruments Every Student Should Know for Competitive Exams

Top Measuring Instruments Every Student Should Know for Competitive Exams #eduvictors

Preparing for competitive exams requires a solid understanding of key measuring instruments used in science and engineering. Whether you are tackling physics, chemistry, or engineering challenges, knowing how to use and interpret these tools is essential. This guide has compiled a comprehensive list of must-know measuring instruments, ranging from basic tools like rulers and thermometers to advanced devices like oscilloscopes and spectrophotometers. Master these instruments to enhance your practical skills and gain an edge in your exams!

Accelerometer To measure acceleration 

Accumulator It is used to store electric energy and energy uses as when need 

Aerometer This instrument is used to determine the weight and density of air and gas 

Altimeter It is used to measure the altitude of a flying aircraft 

Ammeter It is used to measure the electric current 

Anemometer This instrument measures the strength and speed of the wind. 

Audiometer To measure a person's hearing capacity for various sounds. 

Audiophone People use it in their ear to aid hearing. 

Barograph To measure the change in atmospheric pressure 

Barometer This instrument is used to measure air pressure 

Beaufort Scale To measure wind speed 

Bolometer Measuring thermal and Electromagnetic radiation by measuring changes in temperature 

CallipersThis method measures the inside and outside diameters of cylindrical objects and their thickness. 

Calorimeter This instrument is made of copper and is used to measure the volume and heat produced during a certain time interval. 

Carburetor This instrument is used in internal combustion petrol engines. A mixture of petrol and air is made with this machine. 

Cardiogram Through this the heart rate is checked. It is also called an electrocardiogram. 

Chronometer This equipment is installed on ships. It is a type of clock or a wristwatch of great accuracy especially for determining longitude at sea. 

Cinematograph It is used as a camera, projector and film printer. 

Crescograph Plant growth measuring device 

Cryometer To measure low temperatures 

Cyanometer To measure the intensity of the blue colour of the sky or sea 

Cyclotron With the help of this device charged particles like electrons, protons etc. are accelerated Compass Box Through this device, the north-south direction of a place is known 

Cymometer To measure the frequency of oscillation of electric waves 

Cytotron is a device used to generate artificial weather. 

Diagometer For electrical conductivity measurements 

Dictaphone It is used to record one's words and orders to another person. It is often used in offices 

Durometer To measure the hardness of plastic and rubber 

Dynamometer This instrument is used to measure the power generated by the engine Geiger Muller Counter With the help of this equipment the radiation of a radioactive source is calculated 

Endoscope Instrument that looks at the internal parts of the human body 

Ergometer To measure work done 

Eudiometer To measure the change in the mixture of gases 

Fathometer This instrument is used to measure the depth of the sea. Kaleidoscope Through this, different types of linear and mathematical shapes appear 

Galvanometer This instrument is used to determine the direction and amount of electric current in small electric circuits 

Gravimeter To measure the gravitational field of the earth at specific locations. 

Gyroscope With this instrument the speed of rotating objects is determined. 

Helioscope Used in observing the sun and sunspots 

Hydrometer It is used to measure the relative density of liquid Sonar Detection of objects underwater (Based on the echolocation principle) 

Hyetometer This is a type of rain-measuring instrument 

Hygrometer With its help the humidity present in the atmosphere is measured. 

Lactometer To measure the purity or density of milk 

Lucimeter To measure light intensity 

Manometer It helps in determining the pressure of gas. 

Megaphone To transfer sound 

Microscope To magnify tiny objects to see them in larger form 

Microtome To section paraffin & plastic embedded tissues 

Odometer It is used to measure the distance travelled by a wheeled vehicle 

Ohm meter To measure resistance in an electrical circuit 

Oscillograph Instrument that displays electrical and mechanical vibrations on a graph 

Periscope A device used in submarines, with the help of which a person immersed in water can see the view above water. 

Phonograph It is a device used for sound writing. 

Photometer It is used to compare the illumination intensity of two sources. 

Pitot Tube is used to measure the rate of fluid flow 

Polygraph Lie detector 

Potometer Instrument that measures the rate of transpiration in plants 

Pyrometer This instrument is used to find the temperature of distant objects. 

Radar This instrument is used to detect aircraft travelling in space and to determine their position. 

Radiometer This instrument is used to measure radiation. 

Rain Gauge This is an instrument used to measure rainfall. 

Refractometer It is an instrument to determine the refractive index of transparent mediums. Potentiometer It is used in comparing electromotive forces, in measuring small resistances and in the calibration of voltmeters and ammeter. 

Rotameter It is used to measure the rate of flow of liquid in a closed tube 

Saccharometer To measure sugar concentration 

Safety Lamp It is a device used in mines for lighting. With its help, explosions in mines can be prevented. 

Screw Gauge It is used to measure the diameter of fine wires. 

Scuba is Used by divers to breathe underwater 

Seismograph It is an earthquake-detecting device. 

Sextant Height measuring device 

Spectroheliograph Equipment used to photograph the sun 

Speedometer It is a speed displaying device which is installed in vehicles like cars, trucks etc. 

Spherometer It is used to find the radius of curvature of a spherical plane. Hydrophone It is an instrument used to calculate sound waves inside water. 

Stalagmometer To measure surface tension 

Stroboscope The speed of objects rotating with periodic motion is determined with the help of this instrument. 

Submarine It is a small underwater ship, with the help of which we can also keep track of the movement on the surface of the sea. 

Tachometer To determine rotational speed 

Telescope With the help of this device distant objects can be seen clearly 

Theodolite It is an instrument used to measure transverse and perpendicular angles 

Thermometer For measuring temperature 

Thermostat With its use the temperature of an object is maintained up to a certain point 

Venturi meter The rate of flow of fluid at any point in a pipe is measured 

Viscometer It is an instrument used to determine the viscosity of liquids/fluid 

Voltmeter To measure potential difference 

👉See Also:

Scientific Instruments Quiz 

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