Facts About Human Body - (#genralscience)(#compete4exams)(#eduvictors)(#humanbodyfacts)
Facts About Human Body
1. Largest external organ - Skin
2. Largest gland - Liver
3. Smallest cell - Blood cell
4. Biggest cell - Egg cell (ovum)
5. Smallest bone - Stapes
6. First transplanted organ - Heart
7. Average length of small intestine - 7 m
8. Average length of large intestine - 1.5 m
9. Average weight of new born baby - 2.6 kg.
10. Pulse rate in one minute - 72 times
11. Body Temperature - 36.9° C (98.4° F)
12. Average blood volume - 4 - 5 liters
13. Average life of RBC - 120 days
14. Pregnancy period - 280 days
15. Number of bones in human foot - 33
16. Number of bones in each wrist - 8
17. Number of bones in hand - 27
18. Largest endocrine gland - Thyroid
19. Largest lymphatic organ - Spleen
20. Largest cell - Nerve cell
21. Largest part of brain - Cerebrum
22. Largest & strongest bone - Femur
23. Smallest muscle - Stapedius (Middle ear )
24. Number of chromosomes in human cell - 46 (23pairs)
25. No. of bones in New born body - 300
26. Largest muscle - Buttock (Gluteus Maximus)
27. Brain uses oxygen - 25% of Oxygen consumed by the human body.
👉See Also:
1. Science Notes: Physics - Fundamental Units and Derived Units
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